Engineering Too-Good-Be-True Sugar

Resugar’s all-natural, low-calorie, 1:1 substitute for sugar is a proprietary formulation at the cutting-edge of food science, made possible by our team of world-leading researchers.
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How it works

Resugar Synergy uses a proprietary process based on the interaction 
of just three ingredients – dietary fibers, sugar, and natural flavors – to amplify the properties of sugar and related flavor profiles. It is suggested that the mechanism may be explained by the phenomenon of positive allosteric modulation (PAM). PAMs induce an amplification of the signal 
of an agonist, i.e. sucrose, at a receptor, thus amplifying the sweetness 
of sucrose as a result.

Our research team is at the cutting edge of global food science, 
with a collective tbd patents.

Get to know the team
a diagram of a receptor binding site
a person laying in a field of flowers
Natural dietary fibers, sugar, and natural flavors. Nothing else.
Resugar Synergy’s all-natural ingredients qualify for a clean label on your products. Our natural flavors exhibit consistency with EFFA-defined “natural flavoring” (as opposed to “sweetener”) in sensory testing.
Ingredients that meet all regulatory requirements
Each of Resugar Synergy’s ingredients is approved by FDA, EFSA, GRAS, and FEMA. Resugar Synergy is also certified halal, kosher, non-GMO, and low-GI.  It's the perfect 1:1 substitute for sugar in your existing formulations, without the hassle.
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a sweet cake in a hand


How does Resugar Synergy work?

The mechanism of Resugar Synergy is consistent with a group of substances known as positive allosteric modulators (PAMs), which induce an amplification of the signal of an agonist at a receptor. Our proprietary formulation exhibits a PAM effect when sucrose interacts with the receptor binding site, amplifying the sweetness of sucrose.

What are the natural flavors used in Resugar Synergy?

All natural flavors used in Resugar Synergy meet regulatory requirements and are categorically flavorings with modifying properties (FMPs). Sensory testing by a well-regarded laboratory firm has shown – among other factors – that Resugar Synergy amplifies more than just the sweetness sensory profile and therefore qualifies as a natural flavor.

Do you meet regulatory requirements in my country?

Each of the ingredients and their quantities for Resugar Synergy meet all regulatory requirements: FDA, EFSA, GRAS, and FEMA. Resugar Synergy is also certified halal, kosher, non-GMO, and low-GI.

Where do you manufacture Resugar Synergy?

We have manufacturing plants with partners in the US, Europe, and Israel.

Can we try a sample of Resugar Synergy?

Yes; in fact, we highly recommend sampling Resugar as a 1:1 substitute within an existing product. Please contact us here to get this process started.

How can I learn more about how Resugar Synergy works?

Download our whitepaper with a deep dive into Resugar Synergy.